Wednesday, August 22, 2012

These pictures I have taken over time, from when I lived in Germany when I was in the Army to now living in Fort Worth and visiting the Botanical Garden.
I was asked to make a save the date mailer, a table banner as well as a time of events poster for an Art or Graphic Design Convention.
These are samples of my Advertisements that I have made. My two favorite Color ad's and two black and white ads.
This is a whole packet I made for a burger house in my area. I created a menu, advertisements, and a billboard sign.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

These are some of the pictures I have taken, of people I know. Some in action others just goofing off. But some great shots.
These are some of my favorite Animal pictures I have taken this year. It will be in my Portfolio book too!

Monday, August 20, 2012

This is a project where I had to design the logo, box and the advertisement.
This is my made up video game Werewolf Girl. Its the Game cover, website layout, magazine layout and logo.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I was outside yesterday at my in-laws home. There were these great hummingbirds flying around and I was able to capture them with my Nikon D5100. Here are 4 of the photos I took.

Thursday, August 9, 2012